+ [2015-03-28T12:11:17Z] swati-jaiswal what should I do to resolve that?
+ [2015-03-28T12:11:41Z] dongding I have 2.2.1
+ [2015-03-28T12:12:08Z] swati-jaiswal okay, thank you for the help. I will try with that now.
+ [2015-03-28T16:40:35Z] pontiki hi o/

message no. 86573

Posted by swati-jaiswal in #jekyll at 2015-03-28T11:05:51Z

I amtrying to install jekyll using gem install, but it gives an error: invalid gem: package is corrupt, exception while verifying: undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/cache/sass-3.4.13.gem, Can anyone help?
+ [2015-03-29T08:58:24Z] Ikarus_ Hi, how i can customize the post image template? For add exaple data-toggle attribute tu the img tag...
+ [2015-03-29T18:50:48Z] ZachK I am putting online a jekyll site, and I can't quite figure out why, bit it can't find the CSS
+ [2015-03-29T18:50:54Z] ZachK http://zkessin.github.io/erlang-types-book/?3
+ [2015-03-29T18:51:22Z] ZachK there is a main.scss file in the css dir