+[2015-03-28T12:11:17Z]swati-jaiswalwhat should I do to resolve that? +[2015-03-28T12:11:30Z]swati-jaiswalI have 1.9.3... +[2015-03-28T12:11:41Z]dongdingI have 2.2.1 +[2015-03-28T12:12:08Z]swati-jaiswalokay, thank you for the help. I will try with that now. +[2015-03-28T16:40:35Z]pontikihi o/
okay, thank you for the help. I will try with that now.
+[2015-03-29T02:19:59Z]pontikio/ +[2015-03-29T08:58:24Z]Ikarus_Hi, how i can customize the post image template? For add exaple data-toggle attribute tu the img tag... +[2015-03-29T18:50:48Z]ZachKI am putting online a jekyll site, and I can't quite figure out why, bit it can't find the CSS +[2015-03-29T18:50:54Z]ZachKhttp://zkessin.github.io/erlang-types-book/?3 +[2015-03-29T18:51:22Z]ZachKthere is a main.scss file in the css dir