+ [2013-09-13T19:43:37Z] jaybe host is up but web is not responding
+ [2013-09-13T19:44:26Z] jaybe just burst through hardly rendered - smells like DDoS
+ [2013-09-13T19:46:53Z] penibelst https://status.github.com/ : Internal Server Error
+ [2013-09-13T19:47:21Z] penibelst Where is the unicorn?
+ [2013-09-13T19:49:16Z] mrphs heh, I had to install x code command line tools

message no. 8695

Posted by mrphs in #jekyll at 2013-09-13T19:18:53Z

I'd totally appreciate that
+ [2013-09-14T02:45:39Z] parkr Hi!
+ [2013-09-14T10:28:54Z] kiiNODA hey guys, is there any way to put "author: blah" in the front matter and then, inside the content to do something along the lines of "{% include #{page.author}.html %}"?
+ [2013-09-14T12:48:15Z] kiiNODA fwiw, I found the answer @ https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/issues/176 and coupled it with a short {%capture%} snippet. it may come in handy for someone else in the future.
+ [2013-09-14T13:04:58Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1816 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/11357171