latest 20 messages by penibelst

+ [2014-02-18T23:41:52Z] penibelst jaybe: sorry, I don’t know about it.
+ [2014-02-18T23:02:48Z] penibelst digilord: look at your markdown parser’s options. Kramdown seems to support line numbers
+ [2014-02-18T22:53:22Z] penibelst digilord: yes, search here
+ [2014-02-15T23:52:58Z] penibelst CosmoHill:
+ [2014-02-14T23:21:26Z] penibelst twisted`: congrats
+ [2014-02-14T23:19:47Z] penibelst twisted`: use the layout variable to set lyout. Why do you need category?
+ [2014-01-04T11:36:27Z] penibelst Topic: theme development. What do you think is a better place for theme configuration: "config.yml" (available under site.theme hash) or "data/theme.yml" (available under hash)?
+ [2014-01-03T14:52:35Z] penibelst gregkare: I’m glad to hear it. Offtopic: I’m thinking about change my main development OS from Ubuntu to MacOS. How is the Ruby integration on the Mac?
+ [2014-01-03T14:46:46Z] penibelst Wow, Jekyll runs with the latest Ruby
+ [2014-01-03T14:43:49Z] penibelst ekkelett: I understand. I too use Jekyll with php for image editing on the fly.
+ [2014-01-03T14:41:14Z] penibelst ekkelett: Do you know this hosting ?
+ [2013-12-30T18:29:32Z] penibelst troyswanson: Jekyll is 5 years old. Lot of stuff is not self explanatory.
+ [2013-12-30T18:25:29Z] penibelst troyswanson: I mean *she* can help *you*
+ [2013-12-30T18:11:13Z] penibelst troyswanson: Hi. Looks like you can ask that girl for help with exceptions I’m a newbie to Ruby and do not understand all the magic.
+ [2013-12-27T19:53:23Z] penibelst emegea: ask here
+ [2013-12-21T20:12:41Z] penibelst
+ [2013-12-21T20:08:44Z] penibelst
+ [2013-12-21T20:06:09Z] penibelst emegea: yes, this is done by "display: block". Where do you want to have it?
+ [2013-12-21T20:00:38Z] penibelst emegea: line 6