+ [2015-04-04T22:55:46Z] Odaym otherwise you wouldn't have had the option to watch/unwatch your own repos
+ [2015-04-04T23:38:17Z] perlstein hello folks, is there a way to host a shallow repo on github?
+ [2015-04-04T23:38:29Z] perlstein i can't seem to push a repo that was a shallow clone to github
+ [2015-04-04T23:38:45Z] perlstein goal here is to have a smaller repo with shorter history on github, but still have same hashes
+ [2015-04-04T23:38:50Z] perlstein can't seem to get it to be allowed

message no. 87983

Posted by AlphaTech in #github at 2015-04-04T22:26:57Z

Odaym: It asks you where to place it... It should be in your main documents folder in Windows and just in the current directory for Linux
+ [2015-04-05T02:17:27Z] nahtnam Can anyone please help me debug why my github pages are not working? Repo: https://github.com/nahtnam/nahtnam.github.io/tree/master Url: http://nahtnam.com
+ [2015-04-05T02:23:10Z] lolisa Can't open neither.
+ [2015-04-05T02:30:21Z] nahtnam lolisa: Yep. Contacted github support
+ [2015-04-05T02:45:58Z] nahtnam lolisa: Turns out google domains reset the nameservers. Pointed it back to cloudflare and it now works! Thanks.
+ [2015-04-05T02:49:26Z] lolisa :)