latest 20 messages by AlphaTech

+ [2015-04-13T19:16:25Z] AlphaTech matheuslc: Is there an easy library to render it?
+ [2015-04-13T18:21:27Z] AlphaTech Is there a way to get a PNG image chart of the top contributors to a repo?
+ [2015-04-13T10:21:20Z] AlphaTech does anyone know of a project that captures a png image of the top contributors for a repo?
+ [2015-04-13T05:53:05Z] AlphaTech does anyone know of a project that captures a png image of the top contributors for a repo?
+ [2015-04-09T23:27:01Z] AlphaTech mappum: Actually, just got it! Yay!
+ [2015-04-09T23:20:40Z] AlphaTech mappum: Okay, I forked it, added changes and pushed to my repo. When I tried to request pull it through the site, it doesn't pop-up as a repo to compare it to on either side.
+ [2015-04-09T23:09:56Z] AlphaTech mappum: cool, thanks
+ [2015-04-09T23:08:37Z] AlphaTech mappum: So fork it, make changes then pull request it?
+ [2015-04-09T23:04:13Z] AlphaTech mappum: I'm not sure, I just want to submit these changes for the repo moderators to accept
+ [2015-04-09T23:00:25Z] AlphaTech mappum: I don't know how to do a request-pull on my Linux machine... It doesn't make any sense to me... I've edited the code, added the files, commited them and I just want to send it as like a "please add this" request
+ [2015-04-09T22:42:25Z] AlphaTech I cannot seem to get mine working through the Linux command line
+ [2015-04-09T22:42:01Z] AlphaTech Also, do you know about request-pulls?
+ [2015-04-09T22:41:41Z] AlphaTech Okay, cool, cool
+ [2015-04-09T22:41:09Z] AlphaTech mappum: What kind of bot is it?
+ [2015-04-09T22:40:39Z] AlphaTech mappum: That's really cool
+ [2015-04-09T22:13:27Z] AlphaTech I have git installed on my Linux server and all I know how to do is push it to a repo in which I have permission in. How do I add what I've done as a suggestion to the place of which I git cloned?
+ [2015-04-04T22:26:57Z] AlphaTech Odaym: It asks you where to place it... It should be in your main documents folder in Windows and just in the current directory for Linux
+ [2015-04-03T01:15:14Z] AlphaTech Nevermind; having two windows open screws it up
+ [2015-04-03T01:09:54Z] AlphaTech I've just downloaded github for windows and it says cannot retrieve user info. May be a proxy. Im not on a proxy though and the login details work on the regular website...