+[10 years ago]DelphiWorldNevik: :P +[10 years ago]Nevikjust saying :) +[10 years ago]DelphiWorldNevik: yeah, thank +[10 years ago]geomyidae_Why does the Fork button on the Wiki pages fork the main repo instead of the actual wiki repo? +[10 years ago]thibaultchaBecause you can't PR wikis, nor fork them.
message no. 90182
Posted by zzing in #github at 2015-04-17T05:58:06Z
that would make sense
+[10 years ago]delinquentmewith a pullrequest workflow +[10 years ago]delinquentmeWhen I want the most up to date version of the primary project ... +[10 years ago]delinquentmedo I need to fork the project? +[10 years ago]delinquentme*each* time an update is made? +[10 years ago]PEMapModderIs it possible to remove yourself as a collaborator from someone else's repo?