+ [2015-04-23T22:00:56Z] cam Nevik, I thought so too :p
+ [2015-04-23T22:01:14Z] cam Fortunately the lofty humor is only for those who attempt to understand it.
+ [2015-04-23T23:21:48Z] dothebart cam: yes, at least for the more generic topics google+SO seems to replace IRC more and more...
+ [2015-04-23T23:37:59Z] samgranieri has anyone tried creating a new organization lately?

message no. 90921

Posted by jeffreylevesque in #github at 2015-04-23T00:02:47Z

if i use vagrant to create a snapshot of my entire environment, when i do `vagrant up`, will it recreate my github repo(s) too?
+ [2015-04-24T00:20:09Z] Henry151 i made a simple python script and i wanted to put it up on github so that i can share it with people and try to get folks over in #python to help me work on it
+ [2015-04-24T00:20:20Z] Henry151 i made a github account and created a repository
+ [2015-04-24T00:20:50Z] Henry151 now i'm wondering if there's some way i can upload my file from the terminal prompt as opposed to using the graphical interface on the website
+ [2015-04-24T00:21:53Z] cpt_yossarian Henry151: do you have git installed?