+ [2015-05-18T17:33:49Z] felsenhower Sooo. Some of us are using the built in capabilities of eclipse and some are using Git Extensions for Windows. Do you know, if I should be fine if I just add the propper .gitattributes?
+ [2015-05-18T17:58:24Z] iveqy felipesabino: probably, but I don't know. eclipse is using jgit afaik and I don't know how mature it is
+ [2015-05-18T19:21:24Z] leachim6 ΝΈ/part
+ [2015-05-18T22:38:24Z] isifreek how am i suppose to differentiate between a project at user.github.io/proj and a subdir of user.github.io called "proj"?
+ [2015-05-18T23:11:24Z] isifreek i.e. when i type user.github.io/foo, do i get the foo subdir of the user.github.io repo or do i get the gh-pages branch of the foo repo (assuming both exist)?

message no. 94122

Posted by codemercenary in #github at 2015-05-18T10:34:50Z

What is your remote branch name?
+ [2015-05-19T01:34:48Z] supernode if i have an organization account with a private repo, is there a way to add collaborators but have them hidden from each other. I want to give people read access without them being able to see who else in there
+ [2015-05-19T02:15:11Z] chuy_ hi
+ [2015-05-19T02:15:22Z] chuy_ can anyone help me understand github?
+ [2015-05-19T02:16:42Z] chuy_ i know it is a repository but would like understand forking a repository... what is that mean?
+ [2015-05-19T03:16:56Z] mbuf is there a way to share pre-commit hooks for a GitHub project?