+ [2019-06-07T15:27:41Z] Akuw i am having problems to clone from private one
+ [2019-06-07T15:27:47Z] Akuw already loaded ssh key
+ [2019-06-07T15:29:32Z] Akuw git clone git@github.com:SirWilliam8/GESCON.git
+ [2019-06-07T15:29:42Z] Akuw ERROR: Repository not found.
+ [2019-06-07T16:13:36Z] R2robot Akuw: there is no user 'SirWilliam8' that I can find

message no. 173174

Posted by Akuw in #github at 2019-06-07T15:29:42Z

ERROR: Repository not found.
+ [2019-06-09T03:51:44Z] Henry151 hey folks
+ [2019-06-09T03:53:39Z] Henry151 i would love a little guidance on some basic git/github usage.. I've used it in a limited capacity before quite a bit but i feel like i'm never using it the way it's "supposed" to be used, or taking full advantage of the available features
+ [2019-06-09T03:54:55Z] Henry151 so, my circumstance here is, https://github.com/ali1234/mprisevent.git there's this code, and I was working on it with the guy who's github page that is, and, we were at one point working on identical copies, but diverged off; he continued to improve and refine it, while i made a few modifications to an older version of it
+ [2019-06-09T03:55:42Z] Henry151 so I want to "merge" (maybe not using the word correctly in this context) my changes, into his more recent version ('upstream?')
+ [2019-06-09T03:56:51Z] Henry151 for reference and to see how divergent the two versions are, this is where my version is at -- substantially behind his https://termbin.com/9jcw but with some modifications that I want to add in to his.