latest 11 messages by Blackhawkso

+ [2014-01-19T22:31:54Z] Blackhawkso Right ok found out what it is, version 1.4.3 has a bug with windows machines. If I go back to version 1.4.2 it works fine, blummin thing
+ [2014-01-19T22:25:29Z] Blackhawkso bloody thing will not build argh
+ [2014-01-19T22:25:14Z] Blackhawkso error: Invalid argument - C:/wamp/www/jekyll/bhso/_site/C:. Use --trace to view backtrace
+ [2014-01-19T20:53:24Z] Blackhawkso Ahhhh right ok I though you meant \ for a moment then
+ [2014-01-19T20:49:57Z] Blackhawkso oh right I didn't know that worked
+ [2014-01-19T20:49:13Z] Blackhawkso How do you escape it in md?
+ [2014-01-19T20:48:24Z] Blackhawkso Can anyone help with the problem I am having. I have a post on my site where I have used an _ in a sentence and now maruku is flagging it up as an unclosed span so the build process fails to complete. Has anyone got an idea how I might be able to fix this issue?