+[11 years ago]kaffeebohnejnardiello: Neither have I with my problem. :D Seems like were not lucky today. +[11 years ago]BlackhawksoAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH +[11 years ago]Blackhawksoerror: Invalid argument - C:/wamp/www/jekyll/bhso/_site/C:. Use --trace to view backtrace +[11 years ago]Blackhawksobloody thing will not build argh +[11 years ago]BlackhawksoRight ok found out what it is, version 1.4.3 has a bug with windows machines. If I go back to version 1.4.2 it works fine, blummin thing
+[11 years ago]mbffhello, is there anyway to have jekyll generate permalinks like /blog/:title.html, but when the link url is generated, .html is removed? +[11 years ago]pontikimbff: you can set the permalink style to end with a / +[11 years ago]pontiki(without the html) +[11 years ago]pontikilook at the pretty format as an example +[11 years ago]mbffpontiki, that puts each post in a folder.