latest 20 messages by BonSequitur

+ [2013-05-22T20:12:47Z] BonSequitur s, in sync, and with the same templates.
+ [2013-05-22T20:12:47Z] BonSequitur parkr: External metadata makes it easier to use Jekyll to generate project pages for software. You can have a Jekyll folder, symlink the README, output from rdoc and similar tools, and join in external metadata so the actual source repo doesn't have to know anything about Jekyll. So your README, source documentation, how-tos, blog posts and so on are all generated by the same tool, in the same format
+ [2013-05-22T20:02:23Z] BonSequitur Actually, literate Haskell is just .md files with Haskell code written in code blocks. So with metadata as a separate thing it would actually work out of the box with Jekyll, without needing to pollute the source files themselves with Jekyll front-matter.
+ [2013-05-22T19:57:41Z] BonSequitur It's symlinked into the Jekyll directory, and I don't have to think about merging Jekyll front matter every time I change the files.
+ [2013-05-22T19:56:49Z] BonSequitur Right now, I only have one folder with the whole manuscript for the test I'm passing through Jekyll.
+ [2013-05-22T19:53:08Z] BonSequitur No, I totally understand that. I felt the complexity cost was low enough that it was worth doing as a part of Jekyll, especially since it's totally transparent to users who are doing it the way it works currently.
+ [2013-05-22T19:52:04Z] BonSequitur Plus, Hakyll does it. :P
+ [2013-05-22T19:51:42Z] BonSequitur All those scenarios are things people can do right now, but with separate metadata files, they could do it without using regexes, which I view as a good thing.
+ [2013-05-22T19:51:20Z] BonSequitur If you want to pull .md from somewhere else that wasn't written specifically for Jekyll, you no longer have to modify the files themselves.
+ [2013-05-22T19:49:14Z] BonSequitur The separate metadata files are also straight YAML, so anything that can parse that can read them and modify, so if someone wants to automate that process it's marginally easier also.
+ [2013-05-22T19:47:49Z] BonSequitur If you wanted to run Jekyll alongside (E.g.,) some RESTful service to upload content to it, this probably makes it easier.
+ [2013-05-22T19:47:24Z] BonSequitur Otherwise... honestly I wrote it to solve my own problem. I assume that it's probably useful in other ways I haven't thought of, but I couldn't name them.
+ [2013-05-22T19:46:04Z] BonSequitur Well, in the future, this opens the door to Jekyll treating files that aren't .md or even text files as ‘pages’ that can be run through a converter, but the logic to do that doesn't exist elsewhere in Jekyll yet.
+ [2013-05-22T19:44:36Z] BonSequitur Yeah. The solution is to write some build system... to do exactly what I implemented Jekyll to do.
+ [2013-05-22T19:42:31Z] BonSequitur (Jekyll doesn't care about whether the front matter ends with a newline, either, so a .md file that's totally valid for Jekyll will break Pandoc)
+ [2013-05-22T19:41:57Z] BonSequitur Depending on whether or not you have a newline between the front matter and the rest of the document, it reads it as some mangled paragraph between two horizontal lines, or it mangles the whole opening paragraph of the document.
+ [2013-05-22T19:41:20Z] BonSequitur So I actually view this as a best practices kind of thing, on some level.
+ [2013-05-22T19:40:57Z] BonSequitur Jekyll's metadata format, rather