latest 18 messages by Czarconius

+ [2014-10-03T04:29:12Z] Czarconius Btw, I tried having it in the root of the repo, and it seems to work. But, how do I host other pages, that wouldn’t use jekyll on the same site?
+ [2014-10-03T04:28:20Z] Czarconius Yes, I was putting it in the /blog directory.
+ [2014-10-03T04:25:09Z] Czarconius Although, it didn’t work for the remote repo. Any clues?
+ [2014-10-03T04:24:46Z] Czarconius I did. I did jekyll serve, in the blog directory and I was able to go to localhost:4000 to view the blog.
+ [2014-10-03T04:22:59Z] Czarconius then I added the new files to the staging area and pushed the commit to the remote repo.
+ [2014-10-03T04:22:34Z] Czarconius jaybe: then, jekyll new blog
+ [2014-10-03T04:22:15Z] Czarconius jaybe: I tried doing that. I cd’ed to my lcal git repo:
+ [2014-10-03T04:18:49Z] Czarconius jaybe: Yes, exactly.
+ [2014-10-03T04:17:44Z] Czarconius jaybe: Could you give me a step by step command list if that’s not too much of a hassle?
+ [2014-10-03T04:15:34Z] Czarconius Do I need to have to have the jekyll site on a different branch?
+ [2014-10-03T04:15:12Z] Czarconius Now, I’d like to host a blog which could be accessed like
+ [2014-10-03T04:14:39Z] Czarconius I have a site already up and running at
+ [2014-10-03T04:14:17Z] Czarconius Yes, I went through that page but I don’t know what’s wrong with mine.
+ [2014-10-03T04:08:18Z] Czarconius Any help here would be appreciated, since I’m working on a bit of a deadline.
+ [2014-10-03T04:07:47Z] Czarconius Although, I’m not able to get the branch and other things right.
+ [2014-10-03T04:07:22Z] Czarconius Hi, I’ve been trying to set-up a blog hosted via the Github pages.