+[2014-10-03T18:51:24Z]jaybejust sent you a random idea via email +[2014-10-03T18:55:59Z]parkrjust now? +[2014-10-03T18:56:14Z]jaybe20-20 mins. ago probably +[2014-10-03T18:58:18Z]parkrok, just replied +[2014-10-03T18:58:24Z]parkrlunchtime
jaybe: Could you give me a step by step command list if that’s not too much of a hassle?
+[2014-10-04T04:10:42Z]ilhamiHey +[2014-10-04T04:14:57Z]ilhamigonna be back later. +[2014-10-04T04:20:27Z]ilhamidoes jekyll work on Windows? :D +[2014-10-04T04:32:58Z]mostlybadflyquick question, do you think keeping images in /images is sufficient or is hosting the images elsewhere recommended? +[2014-10-04T04:34:12Z]pontikimostlybadfly: i think it depends on the images