latest 20 messages by DeVol

+ [2014-07-11T06:05:15Z] DeVol i'm now even thinking i should 've learned ruby in stead of python ;)
+ [2014-07-11T06:04:59Z] DeVol so much choice ... everywhere .. always .. :)
+ [2014-07-11T06:03:17Z] DeVol i'm wondering if jekyll really is the best from these
+ [2014-07-11T06:02:34Z] DeVol I'm thinking a traditional CMS would be easier to manage since it can better link e.g. exercises and a certain course-page
+ [2014-07-11T06:01:32Z] DeVol are any of you using jekyll (or another static site generator) as a basis for a dynamic site? (i hope my question makes sense... an example: imagine to use jekyll to write a math-course, but the dynamism around it to manage users, pupils solving exercises, etc...) Is it a good idea to look at it in that way?
+ [2014-07-03T08:50:45Z] DeVol finally found a really nice overview:
+ [2014-07-03T08:09:02Z] DeVol vipsy: in my workflow i'm trying to use markdown when i want a static unordered list ... and i would use a template if it's other data ... so no real use for these code-snippet-macro's for me...
+ [2014-07-03T08:07:42Z] DeVol another cool editor is LightTable... similar to Brackets but supports Python and Clojure too
+ [2014-07-03T08:03:34Z] DeVol emmet is a snippet-plugin if i read correctly
+ [2014-07-03T08:01:31Z] DeVol vipsy; more than the buffer fluxsource was talking about?
+ [2014-07-03T07:56:25Z] DeVol for html/css/javascript i recently discovered Brackets and that is rocking!
+ [2014-07-03T07:56:04Z] DeVol i have an ongoing quest for the best code editors... it's unfortunate to say so far it has always been Visual Studio...
+ [2014-07-03T07:55:08Z] DeVol fluxsource: that's what i thought.. so i don't understand the hype :)
+ [2014-07-03T07:54:16Z] DeVol sublime has code completion?
+ [2014-07-03T00:58:34Z] DeVol s/checkout/checking
+ [2014-07-03T00:58:20Z] DeVol also checkout out
+ [2014-07-03T00:48:22Z] DeVol bret; cool link! tnx :)
+ [2014-07-02T21:57:01Z] DeVol looks a bit like a javascript port of jekyll??
+ [2014-07-02T20:19:06Z] DeVol is it correct to say jekyll uses git as its version management and as it's favorite way of publishing?
+ [2014-07-02T20:00:51Z] DeVol yeh