+ [2014-07-11T19:19:04Z] jaybe i believe relative links are disabled by default; you might need to enable them
+ [2014-07-11T19:19:17Z] jaybe best
+ [2014-07-11T19:19:16Z] jaybe supay, you're welcome. beset-
+ [2014-07-11T19:19:21Z] supay :)
+ [2014-07-11T23:08:47Z] arrdem if I have another _posts directory somewhere, say /foo/_posts/, can I use page.posts in /foo/index.md to refer to the posts?

message no. 28685

Posted by DeVol in #jekyll at 2014-07-11T06:05:15Z

i'm now even thinking i should 've learned ruby in stead of python ;)
+ [2014-07-12T02:41:03Z] pontiki jaybe: do you know anyone who's used the newest jekyll sass support with twitter bootstrap sass?
+ [2014-07-12T02:45:04Z] pontiki jaybe: or actually, any pointers on using the new sass and coffeescript stuff, really...
+ [2014-07-12T14:23:43Z] n3trunner hello everyone! just starting using jekyll..so far very much loving it :)
+ [2014-07-12T14:24:28Z] n3trunner I just have one quick question.. I was wondering if its possible to have my jekyll made directory and a github page repo all together?
+ [2014-07-12T14:27:08Z] n3trunner because whenever i try to do a jekyll build with the destination set to the root directory of my github repo, jekyll does not permit it...