latest 7 messages by DoctorMonocular

+ [2016-07-15T19:01:48Z] DoctorMonocular when I used strings it worked as expected
+ [2016-07-15T19:01:41Z] DoctorMonocular I was almost doing it right, except the hash isn't indifferent, so I was using symbols as key, which fucked it all up
+ [2016-07-15T18:27:27Z] DoctorMonocular n't do something like site.my_obj['my_key'] or site.my_obj.my_key -- what's the rigt way to do that?
+ [2016-07-15T18:27:26Z] DoctorMonocular I wrote a hook that generates an object, and I want to add that object to the site config so in the hook I have a line like `site.config['my_obj'] = my_obj` -- in a template I then call site.my_obj. At first it didn't work because my_obj didn't define to_liquid, but then I wrote a to_liquid that output a hash. Now when I call site.my_obj it prints the right structure based on the to_liquid thing, but I ca