+ [2016-07-15T18:27:27Z] DoctorMonocular n't do something like site.my_obj['my_key'] or site.my_obj.my_key -- what's the rigt way to do that?
+ [2016-07-15T19:01:41Z] DoctorMonocular I was almost doing it right, except the hash isn't indifferent, so I was using symbols as key, which fucked it all up
+ [2016-07-15T19:01:48Z] DoctorMonocular when I used strings it worked as expected

message no. 143542

Posted by DoctorMonocular in #jekyll at 2016-07-15T19:01:53Z

+ [2016-07-16T04:38:39Z] ugly_cat How come I can't capture something in _posts and then plop that into something in _layout?
+ [2016-07-16T20:54:28Z] zetok hi
+ [2016-07-16T20:56:06Z] zetok does jekyll require building manually, and then pushing stuff from `_site/` directory to `gh-pages` branch?
+ [2016-07-16T20:58:47Z] zetok i.e. I got the feeling from the docs that I just need to push root jekyll directory to gh-pages branch in order for things to just work™ – so I'm wondering if I misunderstood, or whether I'm doing something wrong
+ [2016-07-16T21:01:39Z] jaybe ./fs github