latest 20 messages by Edelwin

+ [2014-07-05T23:16:52Z] Edelwin I think I'm just gonna go hang^Wto bed
+ [2014-07-05T23:12:35Z] Edelwin Liquid Exception: cannot load such file -- rouge in _posts/
+ [2014-07-05T23:09:42Z] Edelwin I don't know how flexible it is, if I can hack it to make it use rouge...
+ [2014-07-05T23:09:14Z] Edelwin jaybe: I would have used rouge, but I think that the hooligan theme from Jekyll Bootstrap is using pygments
+ [2014-07-05T23:08:32Z] Edelwin >_<
+ [2014-07-05T23:08:25Z] Edelwin /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- pygments (LoadError)
+ [2014-07-05T23:08:18Z] Edelwin Liquid Exception: cannot load such file -- pygments in _posts/
+ [2014-07-05T23:08:18Z] Edelwin rhaaaa.
+ [2014-07-05T23:07:41Z] Edelwin I'm used to irssi's way to write it :')
+ [2014-07-05T23:07:09Z] Edelwin stupid me
+ [2014-07-05T23:06:29Z] Edelwin └[05/07/2014 10:01]─[~/code/websites/blog]% grep hilight _config.yml
+ [2014-07-05T23:06:29Z] Edelwin hilighter: pygments
+ [2014-07-05T23:06:28Z] Edelwin ┌[edelwin@Apeliote]──[master ⚡]
+ [2014-07-05T23:03:49Z] Edelwin é2.0.3
+ [2014-07-05T22:44:16Z] Edelwin jaybe: I've installed the gem pygments.rb. Should I also install it through pip?