+ [2014-07-05T23:10:06Z] jaybe shrug; jekyll also supports highlighter: rouge (as long as rouge is also installed)
+ [2014-07-05T23:12:35Z] Edelwin Liquid Exception: cannot load such file -- rouge in _posts/2014-06-28--en-the-first-thing-i-do-.md
+ [2014-07-05T23:16:52Z] Edelwin I think I'm just gonna go hang^Wto bed

message no. 27209

Posted by Edelwin in #jekyll at 2014-07-05T23:06:28Z

┌[edelwin@Apeliote]──[master ⚡]
+ [2014-07-06T02:13:54Z] _AJ Yo!
+ [2014-07-06T02:14:02Z] pontiki yo yo!
+ [2014-07-06T02:41:42Z] bret yo
+ [2014-07-06T15:43:48Z] lxsameer how can i put my blog index file in a directory like "blog/" and use the root index for something else ?
+ [2014-07-06T15:46:58Z] jaybe mkdir blog ; mv index.html blog/ ; vi index.html