latest 20 messages by Fire-Dragon-DoL

+ [2013-11-28T05:53:56Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL my template engine was escaping text like if it was html
+ [2013-11-28T05:53:45Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL pontiki: yea was just asking, solved the filter problem anyway
+ [2013-11-28T05:40:59Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL Can I chain multiple tags like {% do_something asset_path '360logo.png' %} jaybe ?
+ [2013-11-28T05:36:03Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL I'm receiving "nil" as parameter...
+ [2013-11-28T05:35:49Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL shouldn't this {{ '360logo.png' | relative_path }}
+ [2013-11-28T04:39:13Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL MuhahahHHAHAHAHAHAHA it's working
+ [2013-11-28T03:52:22Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL now let's see if I can manage to write a plugin that will render a lot of ../ =P
+ [2013-11-28T03:50:22Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL need to use it to do a dirty hack that auto-calculate how many ../ do I need to make the url relative to the root of the project (have to deploy on FILE PROTOCOL omg...)
+ [2013-11-28T03:49:37Z] Fire-Dragon-DoL jaybe: I have a more complex question =S, are there any way to get the full file path of the file being generated at? Like, I have index.html in root of my project, file path will be /something/_site/index.html