+ [11 years ago] Fire-Dragon-DoL Can I chain multiple tags like {% do_something asset_path '360logo.png' %} jaybe ?
+ [11 years ago] pontiki liquid is not ruby
+ [11 years ago] Fire-Dragon-DoL pontiki: yea was just asking, solved the filter problem anyway
+ [11 years ago] Fire-Dragon-DoL my template engine was escaping text like if it was html

message no. 14223

Posted by Fire-Dragon-DoL in #jekyll at 2013-11-28T03:50:22Z

need to use it to do a dirty hack that auto-calculate how many ../ do I need to make the url relative to the root of the project (have to deploy on FILE PROTOCOL omg...)
+ [11 years ago] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#2236 (tomlify) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/14682423
+ [11 years ago] kaffeebohne Hi, just a quick question. I never worked with ruby or jerkyll before, you might need some patience for this. :D I wanted to create some html IDs based on the title and tried e.g {{ post.title.gsub(/[\s+)(]/,"") }}, but this does not work, what am I doing wrong?
+ [11 years ago] jedimind i dont know enough ruby syntax, but im pretty sure you cannot do an operation like that inside {{ }} in the template itself
+ [11 years ago] jedimind meaning, you have to define a post.titleID variable in ruby, then spit it out in the template
+ [11 years ago] jedimind where you do the logic