+[2016-06-13T19:12:29Z]G33kDudeThank you +[2016-06-13T19:13:16Z]G33kDudeI just realized I forgot to set up lightbox +[2016-06-13T19:45:04Z]pilnewhy oh why didn't I go with jekyll first... sooooooo much nicer than ghost, better late than never eh? +[2016-06-13T20:02:46Z]inniHappy to have you on board, pilne. :) I see-sawed between Jekyll and Wordpress for a while, but I can't imagine using a traditional CMS anymore +[2016-06-13T20:04:04Z]pilnejust recently really got to dive into ruby, and i keep saying "why didn't i do this sooner" especially when I find a tool that is similar (often better) to one i've already been using...
reflects on the last time he tried to install Jekyll under Windows
+[2016-06-14T02:59:24Z]mostlybadflyHello all, I would like to include javascript for one of my pages in _layouts. Where would be the best place to place js and is there specific syntax that would be needed in the html? +[2016-06-14T03:00:05Z]mostlybadflyright now I have an html file in _layouts and the corresponding .js file at '../js/app.js', but it doesn't seem to load as expected +[2016-06-14T03:03:48Z]GeekDudemostlybadfly: Instead of using relative paths, use absolute paths based on site.baseurl +[2016-06-14T03:04:00Z]GeekDudee.g. "{{ site.baseurl }}/js/app.js" +[2016-06-14T03:04:15Z]mostlybadflyI see ok. I think I just found something else out too