latest 20 messages by GeekDude

+ [2017-03-15T16:48:53Z] GeekDude Fair enough. Thanks!
+ [2017-03-15T16:39:05Z] GeekDude Could someone please help me understand what I'm doing wrong?
+ [2017-03-15T16:38:11Z] GeekDude Specifically, the error was 'Error: could not read file /files/_other_projects/other (<unknown>): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 2 column 1'
+ [2017-03-15T16:37:43Z] GeekDude Hello! I have a collection with a variable called 'link' in its front-matter. I'm trying to make it link to a post on the same jekyll site, but I can't seem to do it without hard-coding a link. I tried defining 'link: {{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url %}' but jekyll gives an error when building the site.
+ [2016-06-14T03:07:59Z] GeekDude You can see a quick run-down of the concepts of the jekyll url variables here
+ [2016-06-14T03:06:37Z] GeekDude Yes. You can see how I'm using it here
+ [2016-06-14T03:05:50Z] GeekDude it could be in /, it could be in /folder, it could be in /posts/2016/06/13/page, etc
+ [2016-06-14T03:05:29Z] GeekDude There's no guarantee of where that page might be, so relative paths aren't very useful
+ [2016-06-14T03:05:14Z] GeekDude If you use a relative path, it will be relative to whatever page it is that uses the layout
+ [2016-06-14T03:04:00Z] GeekDude e.g. "{{ site.baseurl }}/js/app.js"
+ [2016-06-14T03:03:48Z] GeekDude mostlybadfly: Instead of using relative paths, use absolute paths based on site.baseurl
+ [2016-06-12T17:17:04Z] GeekDude Ah, I had a missing frontmatter
+ [2016-06-12T17:16:14Z] GeekDude My Google skills have failed me. Is there a simple/straightforward way for me to access site.baseurl from a javascript file?
+ [2016-05-26T16:00:01Z] GeekDude at least, low activity compared to the massive amounts of join spam
+ [2016-05-26T15:59:27Z] GeekDude this channel is pretty low traffic
+ [2016-05-26T15:59:09Z] GeekDude ZarkBit: I doubt anyone noticed until you pointed it out
+ [2015-08-05T01:58:07Z] GeekDude Where can I found out what github currently uses for Syntax Highlighting and javascript IDE?
+ [2015-05-12T01:48:31Z] GeekDude
+ [2015-05-12T01:48:20Z] GeekDude milki: it's an XKCD comic. Say shibboleet when on the phone for tech support and you'll be redirected to someone who knows a minimum of two programming languages
+ [2015-05-12T01:21:27Z] GeekDude Is there a place I can view and delete gists without having to go through several pages for each gist?