+[2017-03-15T17:40:49Z]allejohehe +[2017-03-15T17:41:01Z]allejoI was gonna respond but they seemed to be in such a hurry, I decided to wait a bit longer :p +[2017-03-15T17:41:08Z]jaybefairness +[2017-03-15T17:42:46Z]allejo:) +[2017-03-15T20:39:53Z]LambdaComplexCould someone please explain the difference between categories and tags to me?
+[2017-03-16T01:12:46Z]jaybecats have hierarchy. tags do not. +[2017-03-16T09:07:57Z]zaytsevhi folks, it appears that i can't have _plugins in theme, is that right :( ? +[2017-03-16T10:55:31Z]zaytsevanother attempt to ask a question :) can one use drafts for pages, not only posts? +[2017-03-16T12:18:24Z]zaytsevis there any api to access _includes from theme in jekyll from a plugin +[2017-03-16T14:37:54Z]jaybezaytsev: you are welcome to use plugins in your personal workflow