latest 12 messages by Groomblecom

+ [2016-04-16T22:31:11Z] Groomblecom The no-parameter filter from the same plugin (conplement) works fine
+ [2016-04-16T21:22:11Z] Groomblecom Moving the private method to be a class method does not resolve the error, throwing the same error.
+ [2016-04-16T21:15:39Z] Groomblecom I'm going to try moving the private method somewhere else- it may be confusing the code liquid uses to make functions callable from tags
+ [2016-04-16T21:14:36Z] Groomblecom The liquid docs have got me too, but my code (to my eyes, at any rate) seems to be nigh-identical to the files for built-in liquid tags with similar variables
+ [2016-04-16T21:12:56Z] Groomblecom One of the methods is private because it is used by my code, but should not be exported to a liquid tag.
+ [2016-04-16T19:32:28Z] Groomblecom css file which causes the error:
+ [2016-04-16T19:30:57Z] Groomblecom Link to the plugin src:
+ [2016-04-16T19:16:08Z] Groomblecom Anyone have advice for how to fix it? I can post the files if that helps.
+ [2016-04-16T19:15:39Z] Groomblecom However, I get "Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)" when I run jekyll serve
+ [2016-04-16T19:14:47Z] Groomblecom I call it with the syntax {{ "string" | filter:0.5 }}
+ [2016-04-16T19:14:21Z] Groomblecom I wrote a short filter plugin, which takes two inputs: a string and a floating-point value.
+ [2016-04-16T19:13:50Z] Groomblecom I have a question about plugins: