+ [2016-04-16T21:15:39Z] Groomblecom I'm going to try moving the private method somewhere else- it may be confusing the code liquid uses to make functions callable from tags
+ [2016-04-16T21:22:11Z] Groomblecom Moving the private method to be a class method does not resolve the error, throwing the same error.
+ [2016-04-16T21:34:11Z] osfameron what happens if you try writing a filter with no parameters?
+ [2016-04-16T21:34:33Z] osfameron e.g. taking just (input) and calling with just {{ ... | myfilter }} ?
+ [2016-04-16T22:31:11Z] Groomblecom The no-parameter filter from the same plugin (conplement) works fine

message no. 131730

Posted by Groomblecom in #jekyll at 2016-04-16T21:15:39Z

I'm going to try moving the private method somewhere else- it may be confusing the code liquid uses to make functions callable from tags
+ [2016-04-17T15:15:31Z] stephang hey Jekyll users.
+ [2016-04-17T15:16:50Z] stephang Can I use instead of Liquid template language also Ruby code in a let's say MyPage.md file?
+ [2016-04-17T15:17:59Z] jaybe Jekyll uses [[ liquid ]] language within markdown pages. You can create [[ plugins ]] with ruby
+ [2016-04-17T15:17:59Z] jekyllrb (liquid) (#1) https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/filters.rb#L204, or (#3) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/
+ [2016-04-17T15:18:00Z] jekyllrb (plugins) http://osfameron.github.io/jekyll-plugins-tutorial/