latest 8 messages by Guest59812

+ [2014-02-09T22:20:01Z] Guest59812 thank you... updating all the gems just now, will try that
+ [2014-02-09T22:03:19Z] Guest59812 though i currently have 4.2.1
+ [2014-02-09T22:02:52Z] Guest59812 I can run that command, so looks like it comes with Xcode and I have it
+ [2014-02-09T21:40:54Z] Guest59812 I'm currently running: ruby 1.9.2p320 (2012-04-20 revision 35421) [x86_64-darwin12.2.0]
+ [2014-02-09T21:38:50Z] Guest59812 what version of Ruby do you recommend I use?
+ [2014-02-09T21:37:17Z] Guest59812 Iposted details on stack overflow here:
+ [2014-02-09T21:36:37Z] Guest59812 Hello. I can't install Jekyll. :(