+[2014-02-09T21:44:07Z]kaffeebohneBut I've no idea how to do that on Mac Os. +[2014-02-09T22:02:52Z]Guest59812I can run that command, so looks like it comes with Xcode and I have it +[2014-02-09T22:03:19Z]Guest59812though i currently have 4.2.1 +[2014-02-09T22:08:04Z]kaffeebohnehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/17066849/command-line-tools-for-new-10-9-osx-for-ruby-gems maybe this helps: +[2014-02-09T22:20:01Z]Guest59812thank you... updating all the gems just now, will try that
I'm currently running: ruby 1.9.2p320 (2012-04-20 revision 35421) [x86_64-darwin12.2.0]
+[2014-02-10T07:44:25Z]pontikio/ +[2014-02-10T13:47:37Z]pontikiand g'day! +[2014-02-10T20:07:09Z]kaffeebohneOk, I have another strange problem. I just added a blog article to the _posts folder, but jekyll just ignores it. No error message, no nothing. I checked twice if everything is ok with the file but found no errors :/ any ideas? +[2014-02-10T20:07:40Z]troyswansonis the date set in the future? +[2014-02-10T20:07:43Z]kaffeebohnethis is the markdown file: https://paste.xinu.at/5sfpDg/