latest 7 messages by Haris

+ [2015-12-07T02:49:27Z] Haris it will be this -->
+ [2015-12-07T02:49:21Z] Haris foudn it
+ [2015-12-07T02:48:29Z] Haris ?
+ [2015-12-07T02:48:17Z] Haris the pip-freeze line I have is --> -e git+ <-- for this the url is something like or something like it
+ [2015-12-07T02:47:24Z] Haris I Was told about this recently, but forgot. didn't take notes. it should be in chat logs. but I'll have to search through it to find it
+ [2015-12-07T02:46:51Z] Haris how do I access the zip for a specific build of a project on github ?
+ [2015-12-07T02:46:39Z] Haris hello all