+ [2015-12-07T02:48:29Z] Haris ?
+ [2015-12-07T02:49:21Z] Haris foudn it
+ [2015-12-07T02:49:27Z] Haris it will be this --> https://github.com/nyaruka/django-modeltranslation/archive/dffebc9363297d77d91c99d46e8e53b32dc05e61.zip
+ [2015-12-07T02:54:52Z] milki i wonder if that works for any commit in the repo
+ [2015-12-07T02:57:19Z] jhass it should

message no. 123611

Posted by Haris in #github at 2015-12-07T02:48:29Z

+ [2015-12-22T08:32:15Z] supafupa I have no idea how to commit to a repo that I'm now a collaborator at...do I just do a pull request like a non-collaborator would, then just accept my own request?
+ [2015-12-22T08:35:28Z] raphink supafupa, you can do that
+ [2015-12-22T08:35:32Z] raphink or just push to it
+ [2015-12-22T08:35:43Z] raphink it's up to how the team is organized
+ [2015-12-22T08:35:56Z] raphink (i.e. more a matter of workflow than technical issue really)