+ [2016-10-19T19:50:58Z] Krands hi
+ [2016-10-19T19:51:22Z] Krands is using jekyll on Windows bring much problems ?
+ [2016-10-19T19:57:11Z] tyil if you can run ruby you can run jekyll
+ [2016-10-19T20:05:02Z] Krands Will get on WSL
+ [2016-10-19T20:05:06Z] Krands > reboot

message no. 153823

Posted by Krands in #jekyll at 2016-10-19T19:51:22Z

is using jekyll on Windows bring much problems ?
+ [2016-10-21T02:57:27Z] Prit I am using jekyll version 3.3.0. I want to access my custom collection with some filters. Here is what my strucutre:
+ [2016-10-21T02:58:06Z] Prit collections: my_categories: output: true permalink: /blog/category/:name/
+ [2016-10-21T02:58:54Z] Prit how can I access my my_categories?
+ [2016-10-21T02:59:12Z] Prit site.collections : will give me only collections
+ [2016-10-21T02:59:50Z] Prit I saw some of the post by @minddust https://github.com/minddust/minddust.github.io/blob/master/_layouts/post.html and found that he has used simply, site.my_categories