latest 5 messages by RedHatter

+ [2016-05-25T00:08:51Z] RedHatter I'm trying to get a link to the latest blog entry in my menu
+ [2016-05-25T00:07:57Z] RedHatter Right, so there's no way I can set properties on 'blog' in liquid?
+ [2016-05-24T23:09:01Z] RedHatter Do I have the syntax wrong, or is this not possible with liquid?
+ [2016-05-24T23:08:12Z] RedHatter but it does not.
+ [2016-05-24T23:08:07Z] RedHatter I can't figure out how to set a property on an object with liquid. I would expect "{% assign blog = site.posts.first %} {% assign = 3 %} " to work