+ [2016-05-24T23:12:00Z] jekyllrb (liquid) (#1) https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/filters.rb#L204, or (#3) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/, or (#4) http://shopify.github.com/liquid/
+ [2016-05-24T23:12:00Z] miklb [[liquid]]
+ [2016-05-24T23:12:23Z] miklb #4 is a good reference for that.
+ [2016-05-24T23:49:07Z] allejo "blog.menu" for sure won't work, that's not valid liquid
+ [2016-05-24T23:50:58Z] allejo the assignment for "blog" should work

message no. 136649

Posted by RedHatter in #jekyll at 2016-05-24T23:08:07Z

I can't figure out how to set a property on an object with liquid. I would expect "{% assign blog = site.posts.first %} {% assign blog.menu = 3 %} " to work
+ [2016-05-25T00:07:57Z] RedHatter Right, so there's no way I can set properties on 'blog' in liquid?
+ [2016-05-25T00:08:51Z] RedHatter I'm trying to get a link to the latest blog entry in my menu
+ [2016-05-25T00:32:20Z] allejo aw he left before I could answer
+ [2016-05-25T00:32:29Z] allejo waves
+ [2016-05-26T08:19:57Z] ceda Hi. I've been using jekyll/jekyll:latest docker image for some time to build my site. Today I touched a png file, and when rebuilding, a new docker image (jekyll/jekyll:latest) was pulled. However, I now get an error message saying that redcarpet is missing.