latest 8 messages by Scriptonaut

+ [2015-01-29T23:14:39Z] Scriptonaut I clicked revert and it didn't change master
+ [2015-01-29T23:12:31Z] Scriptonaut I accidentally merged a branch that hadn't been tested yet
+ [2015-01-29T23:12:23Z] Scriptonaut do you guys know how I can checkout a previous commit of my master branch on github?
+ [2014-11-11T21:13:32Z] Scriptonaut instead of a pull request icon there is a #367
+ [2014-11-11T21:13:01Z] Scriptonaut I want to do a pull request, but I did one a while ago, now it won't let me
+ [2014-11-11T21:12:51Z] Scriptonaut reverse those two messages
+ [2014-11-11T21:12:44Z] Scriptonaut hmm, so for some reason I can't do a pull request
+ [2014-11-11T21:12:40Z] Scriptonaut it's greyed out (on github)