+[2015-01-29T22:58:26Z]proqok. their idea of a project is "repository + pull requests" +[2015-01-29T23:00:31Z]proqmigrating pull requests looks sketchy, but it may be doable +[2015-01-29T23:12:23Z]Scriptonautdo you guys know how I can checkout a previous commit of my master branch on github? +[2015-01-29T23:12:31Z]ScriptonautI accidentally merged a branch that hadn't been tested yet +[2015-01-29T23:14:39Z]ScriptonautI clicked revert and it didn't change master
I accidentally merged a branch that hadn't been tested yet
+[2015-01-30T03:32:15Z]milkii havent tired using that button yet +[2015-01-30T03:32:18Z]milkinot sure what it does +[2015-01-30T04:06:42Z]VxJasonxVreverts the merge +[2015-01-30T08:50:28Z]metastableBHi :) Iv been contributing to a github repo for a while now. My pull requests are being shown on my profile graph but commits are not +[2015-01-30T08:50:43Z]metastableBwill commits be sown once my pull requests hve been merged ?