+ [9 years ago] Remram "git remote add myfork git@github.com:YOURUSERNAME/YOURREPO.git"
+ [9 years ago] Remram hmm that first slash should be : in the first command I gave you, I'm sure you figured it out
+ [9 years ago] bttf turned out to be the project was not doing "full" releases but tags, so did a call to tags endpoint and found what I needed
+ [9 years ago] nedbat using the "hub" command line tool, can I get "hub pull-request" not prompt for a comment, and then open the pull request page in my browser?
+ [9 years ago] bttf I've figured out how to upload assets to releases via github API; trying to figure out a way to do it to tags ... it's not mentioned in the docs, but via GitHub UI it ispossible to upload binaries with a tagged commit

message no. 109846

Posted by Siilwyn in #github at 2015-08-28T08:11:41Z

^ Forget what I just said. Here's the deal: 0.0.0 is correct, v0.0.0 is not. 0.1.0 is incorrect and v1.0.0 is correct
+ [9 years ago] octopressfan I'm using octopress using github pages, I wanted to know how to delete specific commit log history from github without changing the code state?
+ [9 years ago] thibaultcha octopressfan Check !fixup_hints
+ [9 years ago] gitinfo Hints for fixing commits are: (1) NOT PUSHED/PUBLISHED: `git rebase -i $COMMIT^` or perhaps `git commit --amend` (or `git reset HEAD^`). (2) OTHERWISE, `git revert $COMMIT` to make a reverse commit. (3) If you have pushed and MUST remove it, use rebase or filter-branch and type !rewrite in IRC to learn about the implications.
+ [9 years ago] atralheaven_ Hi, I want to use github to host my web page, I've created my account and set up repo for github pages, I can access mypage.github.io and everything works fine, but now I want to upload some files, how can I do it? what is the simplest way?
+ [9 years ago] Seveas atralheaven_: clone the repo, commit the files, push