+[2015-07-13T13:30:05Z]Stalkr_jaybe: Cool, got ``` but it doesn't seem to understand languages? https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/ba69763b0e84703acead/raw/bd95e44c3f97902cba65a52095cbd0893c0c0e1e/foo.md is just http://d.pr/i/1e5PG +[2015-07-13T13:30:06Z]jekyllrbTitle: Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 15.31.21.png • Droplr (at d.pr) +[2015-07-13T13:30:22Z]jaybeshrug; need to read/learn about it +[2015-07-13T13:30:24Z]jaybei don't use gfm +[2015-07-13T14:30:30Z]gynterafaik kramdown should understand languages fine
jaybe: The footnote is not within the excerpt. I use the explicit separator
+[2015-07-14T03:57:01Z]pontikiin gfm, you need a space between the ``` and the language designator (at least that's how it works for me) +[2015-07-14T03:57:16Z]pontikijaybe: i don't know the magic to gett jekyllrb to leave a message +[2015-07-14T05:27:28Z]jtbandesis there a way to extend options inherited from a layout? I have a "body_class" value that gets applied to my <body> element.. _layouts/page.html defines "body_class: page" but for some pages I want a more specific class +[2015-07-14T05:28:01Z]jtbandesso for example, in archive.md I can say "layout: page; body_class: archive", but this overrides the value of "page" inherited from page.html +[2015-07-14T05:28:31Z]jtbandesand I can say "body_class: page archive" but now I've lost separation of concerns