latest 20 messages by SuperLag

+ [2020-05-10T17:05:08Z] SuperLag key permissions & ownership are exactly the same as the WSL instance where things work. ~/.ssh/config entry is exactly the same.
+ [2020-05-10T17:03:56Z] SuperLag jhass: I'm running Windows 10, w/WSL instances. However, in this case... I copied working keys to a VM on a VMware host.
+ [2020-05-10T17:03:04Z] SuperLag jhass: I'm back. Same issue as before. :/
+ [2020-05-10T05:05:44Z] SuperLag treehug88: yep
+ [2020-05-10T01:05:28Z] SuperLag WTF. I just created a brand new key, so there was no duplication. Same exact "Permission denied (publickey)." error.
+ [2020-05-10T00:59:45Z] SuperLag Same entry in the .ssh/config files as well.
+ [2020-05-10T00:59:12Z] SuperLag On another note, I'm ready to scream. Same key... two hosts. It works from one, doesn't work from the other. Same key content. Same perms & ownership in both places. WTF.
+ [2020-05-10T00:01:22Z] SuperLag because it opens in an editor that's unique to my session, is what it looks like
+ [2020-05-10T00:01:03Z] SuperLag not something that it's easy to point to
+ [2020-05-09T23:50:15Z] SuperLag I wonder how Zapier's make-a-tweet-on-new-issue works?
+ [2020-05-09T23:47:48Z] SuperLag nedbat: can you only do webhooks for your own organization? or can you do them for someone else's too?
+ [2020-05-09T17:24:25Z] SuperLag Is there an API endpoint one can query to find out when a new issue is filed on $REPO?
+ [2020-05-04T01:52:28Z] SuperLag jhass: thank you for your help earlier
+ [2020-05-03T22:10:16Z] SuperLag I don't get it... because I had another environment where it worked just fine.
+ [2020-05-03T22:09:51Z] SuperLag So it works there now, too.
+ [2020-05-03T21:53:35Z] SuperLag Now I have to see if it'll still work in my automation.
+ [2020-05-03T21:21:57Z] SuperLag *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*
+ [2020-05-03T21:21:28Z] SuperLag now it works
+ [2020-05-03T21:21:25Z] SuperLag I removed all the keys, and started over.
+ [2020-05-03T21:21:13Z] SuperLag I am so confused.