+[2020-05-03T21:21:57Z]SuperLag*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* +[2020-05-03T21:22:43Z]R2robotcomputers.. AMIRITE!?! +[2020-05-03T21:53:35Z]SuperLagNow I have to see if it'll still work in my automation. +[2020-05-03T22:09:51Z]SuperLagSo it works there now, too. +[2020-05-03T22:10:16Z]SuperLagI don't get it... because I had another environment where it worked just fine.
I don't get it... because I had another environment where it worked just fine.
+[2020-05-04T01:52:28Z]SuperLagjhass: thank you for your help earlier +[2020-05-04T07:14:58Z]pirlahello everyone +[2020-05-04T07:15:24Z]pirlaI have a problem, a repo named armsdk has made changes, how do I sync those to my local machine? +[2020-05-04T07:15:44Z]pirlaI'm using GitHub desktop +[2020-05-04T07:16:14Z]twbpirla: sorry, I only know about git