latest 7 messages by Surfer2010

+ [2016-08-12T08:18:53Z] Surfer2010 ok that's what i thought kinda ... because all my configs will be saved in this git ... but would be awesome to track my changes somehow ... any other way than git?
+ [2016-08-12T08:17:17Z] Surfer2010 jhass: any idea to my question?
+ [2016-08-12T08:06:20Z] Surfer2010 jhass: thanks i was thinking about this "wise"-part also ... but since i'm a newbe ... it would be helpfull to comment and keep track of changes i made ... and also being able to go back
+ [2016-08-12T07:23:25Z] Surfer2010 hey guys ... is it possible to "github" the entire system (linux) ... so i have a history of changes and can comment them and so on?