+ [2016-08-12T21:10:22Z] tobiasvl those will be super-lost, as opposed to any commited changes, which will also be lost but to a lesser extent ;)
+ [2016-08-12T23:32:38Z] Vinnie_win_p GitHub running some web properties using an outdated version of its own software? https://help.github.com/enterprise/11.10.340/user/articles/github-flavored-markdown/
+ [2016-08-12T23:48:26Z] Zarthus is that weird?
+ [2016-08-12T23:49:30Z] Zarthus you want https://help.github.com/enterprise/2.7/user/categories/writing-on-github/
+ [2016-08-12T23:50:03Z] Seveas Vinnie_win_p: no, that's just the docs website saying "these are docs for an older version"

message no. 146500

Posted by Surfer2010 in #github at 2016-08-12T08:18:53Z

ok that's what i thought kinda ... because all my configs will be saved in this git ... but would be awesome to track my changes somehow ... any other way than git?
+ [2016-08-13T02:30:44Z] Geo Hi, I'd like to avoid the merge commit added to the log when merging in a feature branch- just pile in all the commits and move on. However, I don't think I can avoid that via the web UI, is that correct? Do I have to do it all via CLI?
+ [2016-08-13T02:31:30Z] Geo basically, the CLI equivilent of --no-ff ?
+ [2016-08-13T02:38:04Z] marcm I'm wondering if someone would be kind enough to show me an example of how a Version Tag looks like for Git Flow?
+ [2016-08-13T02:38:07Z] marcm Thank you.
+ [2016-08-13T04:29:38Z] BlueProtoman Can anyone suggest a simple-to-use CI server that I can install on my own server? I need to be able to run tests, make builds, and deploy.