latest 20 messages by Unopoo

+ [2015-09-26T07:42:46Z] Unopoo anyway, I solved my problem now, thank you diyfupeco and gynter
+ [2015-09-26T07:41:27Z] Unopoo search for mime, you will find the table I'm talking about
+ [2015-09-26T07:41:04Z] Unopoo and the md:
+ [2015-09-26T07:39:29Z] Unopoo the config:
+ [2015-09-26T07:36:49Z] Unopoo diyfupeco: sure, but its in chinese and very long... wait, also I'll paste the _config.yml
+ [2015-09-26T07:33:18Z] Unopoo not the space cuasing the problem, I tested
+ [2015-09-26T07:33:02Z] Unopoo diyfupeco: found the solution,
+ [2015-09-26T07:29:18Z] Unopoo diyfupeco: what did I missed here? I did use the link suggested syntax
+ [2015-09-26T07:26:14Z] Unopoo I remember I used that syntax and it worked, but today, it suddenlly didn't parse it as table, weird
+ [2015-09-26T07:25:45Z] Unopoo |-----|------|
+ [2015-09-26T07:25:45Z] Unopoo ?
+ [2015-09-26T07:25:45Z] Unopoo |one|two|
+ [2015-09-26T07:25:44Z] Unopoo |name|value|
+ [2015-09-26T07:25:44Z] Unopoo does redcarpet support tabling like this:
+ [2015-09-25T06:00:14Z] Unopoo how to set all post's excerpt to its content's first 300 characters? in _config.yml's default section?
+ [2015-09-24T11:02:41Z] Unopoo and I find the structure of it quite confusing
+ [2015-09-24T11:02:28Z] Unopoo where is the documentation about jekyll's variable `category`? can't find info on
+ [2015-09-24T09:47:03Z] Unopoo gynter: thank you, but since I'm using github page, plugin is not supported, so I guess I should find a js solution
+ [2015-09-24T08:04:31Z] Unopoo I want to let the posts list displayed by category with pagination functionality
+ [2015-09-24T08:03:49Z] Unopoo is there ways to let `paginator` only contain posts in specific category?