+[2015-09-26T11:22:29Z]EvilDMPthat seems much nicer +[2015-09-26T11:24:07Z]EvilDMPah, but can one mix template language tags into .md files? probably not +[2015-09-26T11:25:39Z]diyfupecoI think you can. +[2015-09-26T11:33:04Z]EvilDMPdiyfupeco: I shall play with it +[2015-09-26T11:33:07Z]EvilDMPthanks
+[2015-09-27T02:22:48Z]pontikihi folks +[2015-09-27T07:05:47Z]pontikii was a TA in an intermediate HTML & CSS class today which was a lot of fun, but as there weren't many questions i played with going deep on creating a responsive design from scratch (no frameworks): http://blog.tamouse.org/class-gdi-intermediate-html-css/ (ignore the content, it's mainly just spaceipsum.com) +[2015-09-27T07:05:48Z]jekyllrbTitle: Intermediate HTML and CSS (at blog.tamouse.org) +[2015-09-27T07:06:08Z]pontikii used jekyll as the driver for the website :) +[2015-09-27T15:14:59Z]jaybeNice!