latest 11 messages by Volis

+ [2016-07-20T08:50:04Z] Volis apt-get has ruby 1.9.1
+ [2016-07-20T08:49:49Z] Volis I was trying to do gem install jekyll but it seems like jekyll needs ruby version higher than 2
+ [2016-07-20T08:48:44Z] Volis Most of the solution on the internet are installation using rvm
+ [2016-07-20T08:48:32Z] Volis Hey, how do I install latest ruby version on Ubuntu?
+ [2015-03-12T15:41:20Z] Volis thanks.
+ [2015-03-12T15:41:13Z] Volis ah
+ [2015-03-12T15:37:31Z] Volis Hi, quick question. I have the initial setup ready for my jekyll website. I installed a jekyll theme. What is the development process now like? Is there a tool that I should use to edit the headings and styling of the page and layout pages or I can just edit them like any HTML page with my text editor?
+ [2014-09-04T13:06:41Z] Volis Alright, thanks pontiki!
+ [2014-09-04T13:05:15Z] Volis pontiki, Do people generally make new projects for their blog or just install it inside a directory in the master branch?
+ [2014-09-04T13:01:03Z] Volis In case, I'm not clear. Should I do "jekyll new myblog" on my repository or on a new repository for a new project page I'll call blog? And what difference will it make if I do either of them.
+ [2014-09-04T12:59:14Z] Volis Hi, I'll be using jekyll with my github userpage. When setting it up, should I set it up for the user page or for a new project page called blog?