latest 11 messages by Yahkob

+ [2014-07-25T17:29:26Z] Yahkob gulp?
+ [2014-07-13T07:58:21Z] Yahkob ah thanks Nevik
+ [2014-07-13T07:57:18Z] Yahkob just delete them off of my repo?
+ [2014-07-13T07:57:12Z] Yahkob is there anyway I can have them permanently ignored?
+ [2014-07-13T07:57:03Z] Yahkob ah ok
+ [2014-07-13T07:53:31Z] Yahkob just node_modules and a config directory with some env stuff in it i dont want to push up
+ [2014-07-13T07:25:02Z] Yahkob and it still stays not staged for commit : every single npm file
+ [2014-07-13T07:24:50Z] Yahkob I write to ignore my npm_modules folder
+ [2014-07-13T07:24:35Z] Yahkob Kind of a noob question but why is my .gitignore not ignoring anything?
+ [2014-07-06T23:05:26Z] Yahkob Can I just edit the jekyll grunt file to build on change?
+ [2014-07-01T05:27:17Z] Yahkob yo