+ [2014-07-06T19:56:59Z] jaybe the directive is: paginate_path
+ [2014-07-06T19:58:10Z] lxsameer jaybe: yeah exactly
+ [2014-07-06T23:05:26Z] Yahkob Can I just edit the jekyll grunt file to build on change?

message no. 27652

Posted by Yahkob in #jekyll at 2014-07-06T23:05:26Z

Can I just edit the jekyll grunt file to build on change?
+ [2014-07-07T00:40:31Z] gabmorg hey jekyll
+ [2014-07-07T00:40:59Z] gabmorg jekyll is not finding my installation of rdiscount. any idea why?
+ [2014-07-07T02:38:22Z] rnkn does jekyll support an "expires: YYYY-MM-DD" in the frontmatter?
+ [2014-07-07T10:07:20Z] vipsy When I try to deploy my jekyll blog on github it gives me error "Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository."
+ [2014-07-07T14:43:50Z] mikechelen i can't get GFM syntax highlighting of fenced code blocks using kramdown with `input: GFM` in config