latest 20 messages by _mirko_
is there a list of category names, I don't want site.categories.category, site.categories is not what I want also. Just names.
so after generating there is no / char at the beggining of href attr value
it's removed
why / in front of images doesn't show up in page later
I have this image element in post layout, <img class="post-image" src="/images/{{ page.image }}"/>
miklb: cool, I'll think about that. I see it's paid.
miklb: didn't knew for it. Is it late?
hopes that he won't transfer it to wordpress
jaybe: right :)
jaybe: but I don't want to maintain that website
jaybe: I know :)
jaybe: now I need to find some good wysiwyg editor which converts to markdown and install jekyll in cygwin :(
jaybe: thanks for info, I think there is no SFTP on this hosting plan.
_mirko_: that's not a problem in this case, it's a site I made for non-techy person which uses windows, that's the problem :)
jaybe: FTP
jaybe: I found an option, not perfect but works. Filezilla syncronization
to "symlink" that _site folder to server folder?
is there some way?