+ [2016-09-10T19:45:35Z] _mirko_ it's removed
+ [2016-09-10T19:46:10Z] _mirko_ so after generating there is no / char at the beggining of href attr value
+ [2016-09-10T19:47:08Z] _mirko_ s/href/src
+ [2016-09-11T08:18:31Z] _mirko_ is there a list of category names, I don't want site.categories.category, site.categories is not what I want also. Just names.

message no. 150222

Posted by _mirko_ in #jekyll at 2016-09-11T08:18:37Z

+ [2016-09-12T17:24:55Z] spinningarrow How can I compare a post's date with a specific date? Something like {% if post.date > Date.parse('2016-05-05') %} but that doesn't build :(
+ [2016-09-12T17:31:13Z] jaybe [[ dates ]]
+ [2016-09-12T17:31:13Z] jekyllrb I do not know about 'dates', but I do know about these similar topics: 'docs'
+ [2016-09-12T17:31:19Z] jaybe ;\
+ [2016-09-12T17:31:27Z] jaybe [[ liquid ]]